I recently wrote a piece for a recruitment magazine about branding, and in it I mentioned something that probably sounds like the sort of thing you’d expect to hear from a business owner: that the brand of the 1-1 Recruitment Group is deeply important to me.
This blog is about you, by the way, not us. So bear with me.
Brands are created by people for a reason. Normally when business owners create a brand it’s because they have a particular set of values and they want to create a certain kind of company. When somebody creates something out of nothing in that way – something based purely on their values and beliefs – you can rest assured that they mean it.
When I founded 1-1 Recruitment, I wanted to provide a better service to job seekers than I had seen in many companies in the past – which is why I called it 1-1 Recruitment. I wanted to provide a close, personal, supportive service in which job seekers felt looked after, cared for and listened to.
What that means is this: at 1-1 Recruitment we like to support the candidates we work with. We want to listen, and talk, and meet them in person, and understand what makes them tick.
That could mean you, and if we meet you we’ll ask you some questions that might help you to clarify your job search: questions about what you’re looking for, why you’re looking for it, what you like and don’t like about working environments, whether you’re looking for progression or want to do a good job but don’t want the pressure to seek the next step up.
People are endlessly fascinating, and I know the whole team at 1-1 Recruitment loves to learn about the job seekers we work with. There’s so much variety in what people look for, what motivates people and what they want from a career – particularly today when the options for how you factor work into your life are, on the whole, a little broader than they were when I started out in recruitment.
Every person is different and has their own motivations, wants and needs, fears and ambitions. And I believe that a recruitment firm can’t be a true recruitment partner if it doesn’t dive down into the detail about this for every individual it works with.
At the heart of our brand is this simple idea:
You cannot represent a jobseeker well unless you understand all of these things.
There’s a flip-side to that approach too: we can’t do a great job for a client if we don’t understand their culture, what their teams are like, what their working conditions are like, and so on.
Our brand is a representation of what we are and how we believe we should work. It’s about how we work with the candidates we engage with. And that could be you.